The original phrase used ("The game was designed to be a open environment where players were allowed to do what they please alongside optional quests that players can complete to advance further in the game") was added on 4 November 2007 ( diff). What we've done, though, is created systems, guides, and rules that make it more fun and easier to play around our attractions rather than trying to figure out ways to grief other players." That's why the majority of player actions in the game will revolve around quests" (my emphasis.) The current way that these sources are being represented implies that this is a truly open world, a nonlinear sandbox game, that allows emergent gameplay (think Eve Online.) This might appear at first glance to be a question of semantics, but I think it is quite important that the game isn't described in a way that implies it is something which it quite clearly is not, supported by a reference which has been subjected to a dose of WP:SYNTH.
World of Warcraft is rules-oriented and goal-oriented." He quickly moved to clarify, "We don't put players on rails or anything - players are entirely free to play World of Warcraft any way they want. The source actually says the opposite: ""All of our systems are designed to avoid what we call 'player collision' - when players fight over limited content or generate their own grief-oriented fun for lack of anything better to do.
The linked article, written in 2001, based only on an early, pre-release Blizz demo, is also - by necessity - full of conjecture and inaccuracies (eg "Blizzard did not disclose how the game would deal with multiple player characters attempting to take the same quests, but did make it clear that World of Warcraft would not involve players having to compete for quests or wait in line for them, or wait around for monsters like Ironbranch to respawn." Er, that feature clearly did not make it into the final product, and has only just begun to be introduced - in a limited fashion - on the Timeless Isle in the MoP expac!) The phrase that follows in the Wikipedia article ("Quests are optional and were designed to help guide players, allow character development, and to spread characters across different zones to try to avoid what developers called player collision") is also very misleading and does not represent its cited source. Unfriend13 ( talk) 02:34, 22 October 2013 (UTC) The linked article doesn't say that at all.

But I can't come up with a sourced, clear, short, way to say it that I like any better. I have looked at the sentence several times and would love to see a more formal statement of the "open world" rather than "pathed world" popular in many games. Perhaps the interested editor would be interested in proposing new wording, rather than deletion. While it is informal and quite broad, it does seem both accurate and a decent summation of that the article says. "The game was designed to be an open environment where players are allowed to do what they please." was removed along with its source.