Setting up CRONTABĬrontab utility is a program that would run applications or scripts within a system at a certain interval of time. N.B: I have configured the cron so that I get the redirected output of the terminal into a log file called task_runner.log. */30 * * * * /Users/soumyajit/Documents/git_repos/target_mac/task_runner.sh > /Users/soumyajit/Documents/git_repos/target_mac/task_runner.log 2>&1 I have a cron job set that would run this task_runner logic every after 30 minutes. UNIX and LINUX by default provides a default service called crontab that helps in executing services periodically. Under the root directory I have another shell executed that basically runs my two processes of dumping the nmap log and iterating the java logic there after. Now comes, the interesting part of setting a cron job to automate the entire process.

Please make sure to enter the ip address of your respective network. In the corresponding shell script run_nmap.sh I have used the IP address of my network. Then comes the logic for Extractor.sh, it simply traverses to the MAC_IDENTIFIER directory, compiles and executes the java class.
Latest version of mactracker mac#
The JAVA logic written utilises this dump to iterate the MAC address and the device name. run_nmap.sh would run the nmap command and dump the entire log into a file called nmap. The TRACKER_EXECUTE directory has two shell scripts. A BufferedReader object would contain the required nmap dump which can be iterated to get the corresponding mac address of the device connected over the network and the device name as well. The MAC_IDENTIFIER directory has a java logic written that would extract the MAC Address and the device name connected over the network. You can use the parameter -oN to output the desired result in a text format as well. The NMAP command looks like this nmap -sP -n -oX - /24 | tee nmap.xml. In this application I have taken a dump of NMAP output in an xml format using the parameter -oX. To do that just visit System Preferences -> Security -> Click on "Anywhere" To check whether NMAP has properly been installed in your machine just run the command nmap -version.
Latest version of mactracker install#
But before installing the application NMAP into your mac please check that your machine has the permission to install applications outside your app store. Since I am using a mac environment to set up my application I just downloaded the required version of Zenmap, extracted it and placed it in my application directory. To get ZENMAP installed in your system just follow the link. It would help harness the capabilities of NMAP over a light weight GUI. To install NMAP within your system I would suggest my viewers to install ZENMAP which is just a GUI wrapper over the NMAP command. I have used NMAP as a service in my application to identify devices that are connected over the network. NMAP (Network Mapper) is a command that can help users discover hosts and services on a computer network. It uses the capabilities of a tool called NMAP and a very simple logic to deduce the MAC address and the device connected over the network. A simple application that would help an user keep track of the devices connected over a network.